Friday, November 4th, 2005 9:00 AM
Inshallah Eid-ul-Fitr Prayers will be held at 9:00 AM sharp on Friday, Nov 4th, 2005. Light Refreshments, Dessert, Sweets are all welcome after the Eid Prayers!
Days Inn
6101 East 87th St,
Kansas City, MO 64138
salam please inform us about AID FETR.WHICH day is?
when is EID? tomorrow or day after?
Eid Crescent: According to the statement from the office of Ayatollah Al Udhma Sayyid Sistani, Thursday, Nov 3, 2005 will be 30th of Ramadhan. We also did not receive any witness of sighting. Friday, Nov 4, 2005 will be Eid al-Fitr