
  • Newsletter – Feb 2024

    Hadith of the Month:  On the rewards of fasting in the month of Sha’ban, the eighth Imam, Imam Ali Rida (AS)  was reported to have said: 

    Whoever fasts one day of Sha’ban, just for the sake of God’s reward will enter  Paradise. Whoever fasts three days of Sha’ban and connects these days to the month of Ramadan, Allah (SWT) will give him the reward for the two complete months.

    Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 94, p. 71

    After the sacred month of Rajab comes the month of Sha’ban. It comes just before the highly anticipated holy month of Ramadan. While many people pay their attention to Ramadan, the above hadith clearly states why we should not neglect Sha’ban.  We should instead welcome it as a blessed month of high spirituality and prepare ourself for creating a strong bond with Ramadan.  Sha’ban is also considered as a month of our Holy Prophet (AS) and one of the greatest gifts taught by our Ahlul Bayt is to constantly bless our Holy Prophet (AS) as many times as possible by saying Salawat on him and his holy progeny.  That is the gift we can count on.

    Ayah of the Month:  Allah SWT revealed this verse in the month of Sha’ban:

    Allah and His angels bestow their blessings upon the Prophet. O you who believe bestow blessings and peace upon him in abundance!

    Sura Al-Ahzab 33:56

    Annual Membership Drive: I am gratified to see so many new members and among them are several new monthly donors.  This is a terrific news and needs to be applauded with thanks and du’as to all the families who have stepped out since the beginning of the year.  May Allah (SWT) reward each and every one with His choicest rewards, ameen.  For those who are still considering becoming a member or sign up as a regular donor, simply complete the online form by accessing the Payments Portal tab for Membership.  Let us hit 100% membership in 2024. 

    For those who want to consider increasing their monthly donation, please use the same tab, and complete the donation form.  Don’t forget to mark the date you want your donation to come out on.  Monthly donations help effectively plan our center’s expenses.  They also help with planning for programs and repairs.

    NSGP FY2023: There have been no new activities in the grant program since early January.  It is being reviewed by the Homeland Security folks, who I was told are overwhelmed by the number of applications and needs.  Since the forms require lots of details and validation, the Homeland Security Department is going through each form with a fine-tooth comb.  We will know, and hence modify, the request, if need be, to overcome any obstacles in getting our due share.  We need your du’a.

    Programs and Activities: Other than a few Rajab and Sha’ban related programs conducted at the center, there are no major activities planned until the middle of Ramadan.  More to follow in the March newsletter.  For those who want to sponsor iftar and/or dinner during the last 2 weeks of Ramadan, please look out for the notice on the bulletin board and fill out accordingly.  The program committee with announce that.

    Comments and Feedback:  Unfortunately, I have yet to receive a single comment or feedback from the community since it was initiated in October 2023.  If there is a lack of readerships to justify this project then it should be discontinued.  An “Electronic Suggestion Box” was created for comments, suggestions called Share Feedback on the Az-Zahra website.  Or you may send me a private email at:  Thanks

  • Newsletter – Jan 2024

    As-salaamu Alaikum,

    Hadith of the Month:

    No believer is allowed to look harshly at his brother [or sister] in faith bothering him (or her) thereof.

    Prophet Mohammad (as) [Nahj al Fasahah]

    Ayah of the Month:

    The faithful are indeed brothers. Therefore make peace between your brothers and be wary of Allah, so that you may receive [His] mercy.

    The Holy Qur’an, 49:10

    Both the hadith and the verse from Surah Al-Hujurat emphasize bonds of brotherhood among the believers.  We have the obligation to be kind and forgiving of each other.  Let us all make this our 2024 New Year’s Resolution.  Hopefully Allah (swt) will bring joy and peace between each other.  With so much anger and hatred in this world, we must do everything to strengthen our communities and help overcome these trying times, Insha’Allah.  We pray that Allah, the Most Glorified, will help us in bridging the differences and in creating love and harmony within Muslim communities. Ameen!

    Annual Membership Drive: As of the beginning of the year, we have had several new members.  If you had signed up in the past for automatic membership, you would have received an email alerting you that your membership dues were withdrawn from the bank account.  We ask you to notify us if you have moved out to a different address or your bank.  For those who are considering becoming a member, simply complete the online form by accessing the Payments Portal tab for Membership.  Let us hit 100% membership in 2024.

    For those who want to pay or increase their monthly donation, please use the same tab, and complete the donation form.  Don’t forget to mark the date you want your donation to come out on.  Monthly donations help effectively plan our center’s expenses.  It also helps with planning for programs and repairs.

    NSGP FY2023: The Nonprofit Security Grants Program process is going well, Alhumdulillah!  We have received several estimates from a number of contractors.  These will be sorted out by the committee for the selection of appropriate contractors for each of the projects.  We are still awaiting fund transfer to start the projects.

    Programs and Activities: By the time this newsletter has been uploaded to our website, the Sunday School would have commenced after a short winter break.  We look forward to seeing the children return to the center and participate actively in their respective classes.  We extend our gratitude to the teachers and volunteers who work tirelessly in providing Islamic education and a safe and loving environment to our children.  May Allah (swt) bless them all for their efforts and dedication, ameen!

    On December 30th, we had a prayer vigil to pray for the protection and safety of all Muslim brethren, especially those in Palestine who are going though tremendously difficult and challenging times.  After the prayer and dinner, the attendees watched a movie titled: Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah.  It was a nice social night full of remembrance and fun.  Hopefully we will do this frequently.  What do you say?

    Imam Zamana Fund: I want to let you know that we are restarting this fund which was initiated during the COVID times to help folks who were undergoing financial difficulties.  This fund will help pay for short-term  difficulties.  Past payments were made to offset utility and rent payments until they were back on their feet.  Please let me or any of the trustees know how much you want to contribute on this noble deed. 

    Finally, I have attached a beautiful poem written by sister Maryam Fatima Zaheer.  May Allah (swt) increase her involvement and make her a beacon of hope and inspiration for our community, ameen.  Please read and send your compliments to her and her parents: Kamran and Elham.

    Wearing my Hijab
    Wearing my Hijab
    I feel like a tiger,
    Proud of wearing my strength,
    not even scared of a spider.
    Wearing my Hijab,
    It is my crown,
    It is my responsibility,
    to wear it all around.
    Wearing my Hijab,
    I'll stand for what's fair,
    For this is my religion,
    and never show my hair.
    Wearing my Hijab,
    It is my right,
    It is my affair,
    I don't care,
    if they backbite.
    Wearing my Hijab,
    My hijab is a piece of light
    That shines throughout the nation,
    and makes it really bright.
    Wearing my Hijab
    I will follow his command,
    The Maker, The Most Merciful
    The Al-Khaaliq, 
    The Ar-Rahman.
    Wearing my Hijab,
    I will always defend it,
    for it He who has commanded me,
    to wear it.
    Wearing my Hijab,
    I will never quit,
    and I will always have grit.
    Wearing my Hijab,
    It represents me,
    as a Muslim,
    and who I want to be.
    Wearing my Hijab
    My hijab sparkles like the sun,
    as I go for a quick run
    Wearing my strength,
    My braveness,
    goes to full lengths.
    As a Muslim,
    Wearing my hijab is right for me,
    I just want people to let me be.
    Poet: Maryam Fatima Zaheer

    Announcements:  As reported last few months, an “Electronic Suggestion Box” was created for the community to comment, suggest, and provide feedback on topics and situations that are important to them.  It is called Share Feedback and resides on the Az-Zahra website.  Please take a moment to write your comments and feedback.  Az-Zahra Center does well when we each do well.  Thanks

  • Monthly Newsletter – Dec 2023

    As-salaamu Alaikum,

    Hadith of the Month: Whenever a believer privately prays for his believing brother (or sister), Allah (SWT) will appoint an angel to pray for him and say: “You will also get whatever you asked for your believing brother (or sister).” Imam Sadiq (as). So, we need to pray for our needy brothers and sisters, especially when so many of them have been abandoned by the world and are living in constant fear, pain, and suffering.

    Ayah of the Month: And think not that Allah is unaware of what the oppressors do. He only grants them respite until the day the eyes will stare in horror. (The Holy Quran 14:42)

    A believer must remember that every action that is committed in this world is being seen by the Almighty. And it is only a matter of time before Allah (SWT) deals with the oppressors accordingly. It is important to remain patient and steadfast despite the challenges. By doing so we are not only relying on Him, but we are certainly increasing our Iman as well. When we do our best to fight injustice and oppression, we are adhering to the call of Allah and performing an act of worship and devotion. A simple act of remembering the grieving families who have lost all hope in the world is to support them through prayers (du’a) and finance, pleading Allah (SWT) to improve their conditions. Please pray for peace and an end to conflict, SOON! Ameen!

    Annual General Body Meeting 12/2/23: Unfortunately, due to lack of quorum the scheduled GB meeting was postponed from 12/2 to 12/16. This is a very important meeting held once a year. Your voice matters and we pay attention to your concerns. We reviewed several topics including the center’s finances; workshops and programs; security concerns and plans to address these through grants we have applied for and finally the status of a resident alim. The board informed the attendees that we are exploring finding an alim by inviting one such scholar to visit our center on weekend basis to gauge the interests and determine if this would be a good match. Hopefully we will be able to reach out to one alim, who frequented our center as a speaker in past programs, to check his availability. More to follow as and when we get more information.

    NSGP: There has been no significant change in the grant award since the November newsletter. Will update as and when we hear back from the Homeland Security/FEMA regarding the paperwork submitted to them.

    Annual Membership Drive: As of the publishing of this newsletter, there are only 36 members. These are members of our community who filled out membership form and paid their dues. Although we have over 200 people who attend various programs and activities, the number of members is certainly not reflective of where we would like it to be. Unlike other centers where the membership due is significantly higher, Az-Zahra has kept its due the same for the last 17 years. The Az-Zahra Constitution provides some of the benefits of being a member and we ask you all to read that section. We encourage everyone to complete the membership form electronically or download the form and mail it to us. It is that easy! For those who need help or need the form mailed out to you, please request it by texting or emailing me: 913-901-7616; Let us target 100% membership in 2024, Insha’Allah!

    Announcements: As reported last month, an “Electronic Suggestion Box” was created for the community to comment, suggest, and provide feedback on topics and situations that are important to them.

    Next Monthly Newsletter: The December Newsletter will come out by the end of the month, Insha’Allah. Please contact at: for feedback. I will try to address your concerns. Please only use my email for comments.