
  • Newsletter – Nov 2024
    Newsletter – Nov 2024
  • Newsletter – Oct 2024

    As-salaamu Alaikum,

    Ayah of the Month: “The servants of the Lord of Mercy are those who walk humbly on the earth, and who, when the foolish address them, reply, ‘Peace’.[25:63]

    Most of us have had hurtful comments from strangers and those who have poor understanding of our faith or looks.  This is especially true for our hijab-observing sisters.  Some of us have received nasty remarks from such people on internet or in the media addressing us with words that cause anger, resentment, and frustration. Allah (swt) admonishes us to refrain from resorting to these people in like manners and advises us to take the high road.  That is what the Holy Quran is saying about walking humbly and be the role models that help display the best of manners and garner respect.  But despite our best efforts it still does not create the desired impact, then we simply say, “peace” and walk away.

     Hadith of the Month:  A definition of a Muslim is his or her kindness to other people, regardless of their faith. Ali ibn Abi Talib (as) reports the following from the Holy Prophet (A) on kindness:

    Allah is Kind and loves kindness, and He rewards for kindness in a way that He does not reward for harshness.” – The Holy Prophet (P)

    Imam Zaman Fund: A reminder for the ones who want to pay to help out the less fortunate, Az-Zahra Center needs its coffer filled to help pay for a few needy families’ monthly expenses.  You may pay as little as $10 a month to help in this regard.  Please reach out to me, Br. Abu Ali, or Br. Ali Raza if you are able to provide such a help.  May Allah (swt) reward you for your generosity and empathy, ameen.

    Az-Zahra Announcements:  As many of you know an “Electronic Suggestion Box” was created for the community to comment, suggest, and provide feedbacks on topics and situations that are important to them.  I hope our community members would take advantage of this and offer meaningful ideas for improvement.

    We had our annual General Body meeting in which the board of trustees shared with the community the progress we made since the beginning of the year.  These include hiring of a resident alim (Shaykh Mohammad Baig); a significant increase in membership; formation of an Executive Committee; election for the board of trustees, among other matters.  We also notified the community regarding conducting in-person classes for our Sunday School as well as starting an adult program consisting of weekly lectures by the Shaykh. 

    Members of the AZ Executive Committee: We would like to welcome the following members representing various committees: Majid Jaberi (Construction); Hossain Banai (Maintenance); Yar Mohammad and Mohammed Sharif Husseini (Afghan community liaisons); and Syed Abbas Haider (Membership/fundraising).  Please congratulate them when you see them in the center.

    Members of the Executive Committee will be meeting within next two weeks to create objectives and timeframe of completing their projects.  We will be glad to post their goals and objectives to involve the community for their support and assistance.  We hope you will take this opportunity to gain Allah’s blessings and help improve our center’s services and facilities, insha’Allah.  Your involvement is critical for their success.

    Members of the AZ Board of Trustees: These include Murtaza Khani; Mostafa Jafari; Marghoub Abbas; Mahmood Reza Kamyab; Abu Ali Jaffri; and Jameel Agha.  Please take up any concerns or suggestions with any of these members.  You will insha’Allah find them receptive and willing partners.

  • Newsletter – Sep 2024

    As-salaamu Alaikum,

    I am baaaaack and I missed you all! After almost 4-month long travels: visiting family in Pakistan, performing Hajj-ul-Badal (on behalf of my marhoom father), and other fun stuff, I returned home a little over a month ago. So, I will pick up where I had left off, insha’Allah!

    Ayah of the Month:

    We have only sent you (Muhammad (AS)) as a mercy to all the worlds.

    Surah al-Anbiya 21:107

    Hadith of the Month:

    Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim. Seek knowledge from cradle to grave.

    Holy Prophet Muhammad (AS)

    Rabi’ al-Awwal is the third month in the Islamic lunar calendar, and it holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims worldwide. This is the month in which the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was born, and his life and teachings remain a source of guidance for Muslims in every aspect of life. While this month is a time for reflection, learning, and spiritual growth, it is essential to approach it with reverence and understanding.

    Annual Membership Drive: Alhumdu lillah, our membership and donor list have increased greatly this year. Several people have also signed up for monthly donations or have paid lump sum for the entire year. With increased number of programs our expenses have also increased a lot. We appreciate the current use of the center and hope there will be even more programs in the future. Your donations and contributions have made possible to pay our bills and invite speakers throughout the year. A big thank you to all!

    Imam Zaman Fund: Az-Zahra Center had established a special fund during the Covid-19 period to help needy families pay for their necessary expenses. Donations were used to help pay utility bills and other related expenses. Please continue to pay even as little as $10 a month to help people in need. Please reach out to me, Br. Abu Ali, or Br. Ali Raza Mirza if you are able to provide such a help. Thanks in advance.

    Az-Zahra Announcements: We had a successful community picnic on September 14th which was attended by many community members. This was to celebrate Eid-e-Zahra (SA). Alhumdulillah, we generated $1,688 from the sale of food stuff. After almost 20 years of establishing our center, we are fortunate to have filled the position of the resident alim. He will help organize the Jumu’ah salaat; Du’a Kumayl; Sunday education programs, and other infrequent activities that we could not do before. His name is “Shaykh” Muhammad.

    For all those who pledged a monthly donation or a lumpsum amount for the Maulana’s salary, please fill out the Resident Alim form located on our website. If you are currently a monthly donor, you may simply increase the amount without any additional steps on your part. It is everyone’s responsibility to make sure that we are able to meet this expense without difficulty by completing the last step so we can budget for payroll and related expenses. Thanks to all donors and May Allah (swt) reward you for your generosity, ameen!

    General Body Meeting: The annual general body meeting is scheduled for October 12th at the center. More details to follow on this. It is an opportunity for the members to attend and make suggestions for making AZC an even better place to be a part of. Your past suggestions had helped to improve programming, selection of speakers, offer workshops, etc. In fact, it was during one such general body meeting the members suggested inviting a resident alim. Alhumdulillah, we can now check this box as complete. Please plan to attend.

    The election for board of trustees is also planned after the General Body meeting. We need two more volunteers to fill current vacancy to replace trustees who have left for “greener pastures.” Please complete the Candidate Form (on the website) and follow the instruction if you are interested in becoming a trustee. Current trustees are: Dr. Abu Ali Jafri; Hajj Dr. Mostafa Jafari; Br. Murtaza Khani; Br. Mahmoud Reza Kamyab; and Jameel Agha. We have to fill and/or add two trustees more to make a full slate of 7, Insha’Allah. We hope you will consider this wonderful opportunity to serve AZC.