Category Archives: Newsletter

August Eid Picnic

Assalaamu Alaikum to all, Alhumdu lillah, yesterday’s community picnic at the Az-Zahra Center was a huge success. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I am honored to share this news brief with our community. A BIG thank you to everyone who helped in making this such a fun time for all. Youth participation was… Read More »

November 2014 News Flash

May the great blessings of Muharram be a beacon for hope and salvation for all of us. May this month reignite the love and understanding of our Holy Imam (AS) and his pious family and companions. We pray that Allah (swt) keeps us all on the path of Ahlul Bayt and protects us from the… Read More »

Ramadhan Newsletter

Ramadan Mubarak May the blessings of this Glorious Month shower each and every one of us and hope we will take full advantage of this Noble Month to come closer to Allah (swt). This is the month when the Holy Qur’an was revealed and this is also the month when our Master, Mawla Ali ibn… Read More »

Year-End Newsletter

As-Salaamu Alaikum. 2016 is coming to an end and with only a few days remaining it is a time to reflect. While there is much to celebrate, there are many unfinished businesses that need our attention. Alhumdu lillah, after almost 5 years we finally received the special permit for our cemetery. Our Muharram/Safar programs went… Read More »

News Brief

Assalaamu Alaikum to all. May this wonderful month of Dhu’l Hijjah be a great source of blessings and prosperity for Mu’mineen all over the world. This month is uniquely blessed with three Eids and we are extremely grateful for these bounties. Many of us took advantage of fasting, making supplications (du’as), reciting the Holy Qur’an,… Read More »

Az-Zahra Center News

September 10, 2017 As-Salaamu Alaikum and a belated Eid-e-Ghadeer Mubarak to all. Special thanks to Maulana Hussain Nawab for delivering a terrific speech on the importance of Eid-e-Ghadeer and the numerous benefits of one of the greatest event in the history of Islam. He emphasized the importance of performing prayers and fasting on this holy… Read More »

Coronavirus Statement

Most programs will only be held online on Zoom and on   YouTube Live. Guidelines for attending: 15 or fewer people allowed inside the building, social distancing guidelines will be enforced Use of mask and hand sanitizer mandatory No food or beverages are permitted Volunteers will check temperature We strongly encourage HIGH RISK INDIVIDUALS (with… Read More »

Monthly Newsletter – Oct 2023

As-salaamu Alaikum, With greatest pleasure and by the grace of Allah (swt) we have restarted a monthly newsletter. The goal of this is to share as many community-related activities in a particular month. We ask you to forgive our shortcomings and oversights as we endeavor in these efforts. Non-Profit Security Grant Program: This program, also… Read More »

Monthly Newsletter – Nov 2023

As-salaamu Alaikum, Hadith of the Month: Generosity imparts love and adorns one’s character – Imam Ali (AS). There are two main points emphasized here: generosity and love and they go hand in hand. A believer must show compassion to others’ difficulties by being generous with their wealth as well as concerns for the needs of… Read More »

Monthly Newsletter – Dec 2023

As-salaamu Alaikum, Hadith of the Month: Whenever a believer privately prays for his believing brother (or sister), Allah (SWT) will appoint an angel to pray for him and say: “You will also get whatever you asked for your believing brother (or sister).” Imam Sadiq (as). So, we need to pray for our needy brothers and… Read More »