General Body Meeting and Election

By | November 3, 2013

Sunday, December 15th 2013 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Salaam Alaykum,

The annual general body meeting is planned for Sunday, December 15th 2013 at 2:00 PM and is open to all members of the Center. If you are not a member, please fill out the membership form, pay your annual dues, and be a voice of our community. Your participation is necessary for the success of the center. Please bring your ideas to the meeting to help make this a great place for you and your family

· Opening Dua
· Membership and monthly pledge drive
· Financial affairs of Az-Zahra Center
· Feedback session
· Board of Trustees election

If you would like to contest for a position on the Board of Trustees you must complete the candidate form and mail it to the center no later than November 30th, 2013. For qualification criteria, please refer to ARTICLE XII, Section 3 of our constitution.

Refreshments will be provided. Desserts are welcome.

Thank you and may All-h(swt) bless your effort in this matter.


Candidate Form
Membership Form
Proxy and Absentee Vote Form